Reduced glutathione (GSH) and total thiol detection in some fruits by derivatizing methods
摘要: 用衍生化试剂5,5-二硫硝基苯甲酸(DTNB)对巯基化合物的衍生化反应和邻苯二甲醛(OPA)与GSH的荧光衍生化反应,分别采用UV-vis分光光度法和荧光光度法测定了猕猴桃、大枣、酸浆中总巯基含量和GSH的含量。被测样品中GSH和总巯基相对含量分布有较大的差异,其中猕猴桃和大枣中含有相对较高的GSH浓度分布,分别达0.7092、0.8374mol/g,酸浆中含有较高的总巯基含量分布,达1.4173mol/g。本测定方法的回收率达95.38%101.9%,满足测定准确度的要求,总巯基含量和GSH含量测定最低检测限分别为9.6×10-7、2.69×10-7mol/L。Abstract: Total thiol and reduced glutathione in Kiwi, Jujube and Fruit Physalis had been determined by UV-vis spectrometry and fluorescent spectrometry using 5, 5-dithio-bis-nitrobenzoic acid (DTNB) and O-phthaldehde (OPA) as derivatizing agents. Relative amount between total thiol and GSH varies significantly, among which kiwi and jujube contained relative large amount of GSH with the content of 0.7092, 0.8374mol/g respectively, while fruit physalis contained higher amount of total thiol with the centent of 1.4173mol/g. The determination of total thiol and GSH proceeded with the accurate and sensitive method with the recovery range of 95.38%~101.9% , and lowest detection limits reached to 9.6×10 -7 , 2.69×10 -7 mol/L respectively.