Effect of starch composition on the cooking and sensory quality of buckwheat noodles
摘要: 为比较不同品种荞麦挤压面条的煮制及食用品质差异,分析其与荞麦淀粉组成的关系,研究选取八种具有代表性的苦荞、甜荞麦品种,制成挤压面条,对其煮制损失、吸水率、质构特性及感官品质进行考察;同时测定荞麦粉的直链、支链淀粉含量,分析淀粉组成与荞麦挤压面条各品质间的相关性。结果表明:在粘性、拉伸力及感官评定三个食用品质评价指标中,甜荞面条优于苦荞面条;而在烹调品质方面,甜荞与苦荞间无显著差异。总的来看,面条品质甜荞以西农9976为最佳;苦荞以西农9920为最佳。相关性分析显示,直链淀粉含量与煮制损失间存在显著性正相关关系(r=0.878);支链淀粉含量显著影响面条的吸水率(r=0.917),粘性(r=0.740)和硬度评分(r=-0.689)。结果说明不同品种荞麦面条的食用品质差异显著,支链淀粉含量是影响荞麦挤压面条食用品质的重要因素。Abstract: To investigate the difference among cooking and sensory quality of extruded buckwheat noodles and the link with starch composition of buckwheat flour, eight cultivars of common and tartary buckwheat were selected and made into noodles by extruding.The cooking loss, water uptake, textual and sensory quality of cooked noodles were assessed.Meanwhile, the content of amylose and amylopectin in buckwheat flour was analyzed and the correlation between starch composition and edible and cooking property of cooked noodle was analyzed.It was found that the common buckwheat noodles was better than tartary buckwheat noodles in terms of adhesiveness, tensility and sensory quality.As for the cooking quality, there was no significant difference laying between two specials.Overall, Xinong 9976 was best among common buckwheat, while Xinong 9920 was the most excellent one among tartary buckwheat.The result of correlation analysis showed that there was a remarkable correlation between the content of amylose and cooking loss (r=0.878) , and the content of amylopectin had an significant effect on water uptake (r=0.917) , adhesiveness (r=0.740) and firmness (r=-0.689) .The result showed that the quality of different buckwheat cultivars varied significantly and the starch composition was a crucial factor affecting the extruded buckwheat noodles.