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  • 食品科学与工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录第一方阵T1
频率和温度对鲍鱼介电特性的影响[J]. 食品工业科技, 2012, (18): 182-185. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2012.18.067
引用本文: 频率和温度对鲍鱼介电特性的影响[J]. 食品工业科技, 2012, (18): 182-185. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2012.18.067
Effect of frequency and temperature on the dielectric properties of abalone[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2012, (18): 182-185. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2012.18.067
Citation: Effect of frequency and temperature on the dielectric properties of abalone[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2012, (18): 182-185. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2012.18.067


Effect of frequency and temperature on the dielectric properties of abalone

  • 摘要: 采用同轴探针方法分别测定了20~120℃,频率300~3000MHz内鲍鱼的介电常数和介电损失。温度一定时,鲍鱼的介电常数和介电损失均随频率的升高而减小。频率一定时,介电常数随温度升高,先增大后减小,介电损失随温度的升高而增大。本研究提出了在915、2450MHz下,介电常数和介电损失随温度变化的预测方程,预测值与实验值有较好的一致性。在915、2450MHz下,鲍鱼的穿透深度均随着温度的升高而减小。 


    Abstract: The dielectric constant and loss factor of abalone were determined by the open-ended coaxial probe method in the frequency range from 300 to 3000MHz and temperature from 20 to 120℃.The dielectric constant and loss factor decreased with the increase of the frequency.While with the increase of temperature, the dielectric constant changed quadrially:first increasing and then decreasing.The loss factor increased with the increasing temperature.Predictive equations related to the dielectric properties of abalone was developed as a function of temperature at 915 and 2450MHz, and proved to be reasonable.The temperature had a negative correlation with the penetration depths at 915 and 2450MHz.


