Analysis of key words indexing in food industry sci-tech periodical
摘要: 关键词是文献检索的主要入口之一,正确标注对于提高文献的被引率具有重要的意义。食品工业类期刊关键词的标引存在诸多问题,笔者举例进行了分析并提出正确标引的建议,以期引起同行和作者的关注,指导实际工作,提高关键词标引质量。Abstract: Key words is one of main entrances of Information Retrieval and its indexing correctly has great meaning for improving the retrieval rate of paper.There are many problems of key words indexing in food industry sci-tech periodical.The author analysised the existing problems and gave some advices to how to indexing key words correctly.The purpose was to draw the author and journal's attention, guide the practical work, and improve the quality of key word indexing.