Fast detection of fresh beef rolls and salted beef piece in supermarket by PCR method
摘要: 通过扩增线粒体DNA片段,建立了检测生鲜牛肉和腌制牛肉片中掺入猪肉的快速检测PCR的方法。反应程序为:94℃预变性4min,然后经过30个循环,每个循环为94℃变性30s,退火温度为59.4℃反应30s,延伸温度72℃反应30s,30个循环后72℃保温延伸7min,通过电泳进行检测。经过多次实验,结果表明:所选定的引物只有在同一种属模板DNA存在的情况下才会发生PCR扩增,该方法特异性强、稳定、灵敏度高。本方法简单快速,无需酶切,适用于样品较多的检测。Abstract: Through expansion mitochondrial of DNA fragments, a rapid PCR detection to identity the pork adulteration in fresh beef and beef piece was established.The amplification of mitrochondrial DNA was performed by using pre-denaturation at 94℃for 4min followed 30 cycles of holding at 94℃ (30s) , annealing at 59.4℃ (30s) and extension at 72℃ (30s) , with a 7min extension at 72℃after the last cycles.The amplified products were tested by the electrophoresis.By several rounds of experiments, the results of identification suggested it had high species specificity, stability, high sensitivity and it also provided a reference for the supervision department.This method was simple and rapid without double digests, which was suitable for a large sample.