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气调包装对猪肉冰温货架期的影响[J]. 食品工业科技, 2012, (15): 349-352. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2012.15.097
引用本文: 气调包装对猪肉冰温货架期的影响[J]. 食品工业科技, 2012, (15): 349-352. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2012.15.097
Effect of different controlled atmosphere to pork's shelf life preserved in ice-temperature[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2012, (15): 349-352. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2012.15.097
Citation: Effect of different controlled atmosphere to pork's shelf life preserved in ice-temperature[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2012, (15): 349-352. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2012.15.097


Effect of different controlled atmosphere to pork's shelf life preserved in ice-temperature

  • 摘要: 为了明确冰温条件下有效延长猪肉货架期的气体比例,实验研究了置于不同比例O2和N2混合气体包装袋中猪肉的货架期,实验设计了六组:低氧组(100%N2),对照组(80%N2和20%O2),高氧组I(60%N2和40%O2),高氧组II(50%的N2和50%O2),高氧组III(40%N2和60%O2)和高氧组IV(20%N2,80%O2)。通过对不同时期的冰温猪肉进行感官指标,色差值,pH,菌落总数,汁液流失率,TVBN值的测定,结果显示:低氧组货架期为16d,高氧组I和高氧组III的货架期可延长至20d,高氧组IV货架期为16d,而高氧组II和对照组在8d时各项指标接近肉类变质的上限,8d后感官上(气味)判定已经变坏。高氧组I(60%N2和40%O2)和高氧组III(40%N2和60%O2)能有效延长新鲜猪肉的冰温货架期。 


    Abstract: In order to ascertain the rewarding air ration to prolong the shelf life of pork preserved in ice-temperature.This article packaged them into six groups (low oxygen group (100%N2) , control group (80%N2, 20%O2) , high oxygen Ⅰ (60%N2, 40%O2) , high oxygen Ⅱ (50%N2, 50%O2) , high oxygen Ⅲ (40%N2, 60%O2) , and high oxygen Ⅳ (20%N2, 80%O2) .By the study of sensory evaluation, pH value, bacterial count, wastage rate of juice, and TVBN, the result showed that fresh pork of control group and pork preserved in high oxygen Ⅱ lost their practical value after 8d.The low oxygen group and the high oxygen Ⅳ were twofold of control group.High oxygen Ⅰ and high oxygen Ⅲ appeared the longest shelf life, the pork still had eating value at the 20d.High oxygen Ⅰ and high oxygen Ⅲ could prolong the shelf life of pork preserved in ice-temperature.


