Preparation of freeze-dried coffee tablets
摘要: 以咖啡粉为原料,采用热水提取、冷冻干燥的方法,制备了冻干咖啡片。通过实验确定最佳制片方案为:咖啡粉浸提温度90℃,浸提时间12min,料液比为1:15,提取液浓缩至65%浓度,于共熔点温度-36℃以下冷冻干燥。按优选工艺制得的冻干咖啡片硬度适当,片型完整,溶解迅速,具有较速溶咖啡更好的风味、复水性和感官品质。Abstract: The freeze-dried coffee tablets were prepared by hot water extraction and freeze drying with coffee extract as the raw material.The optimal process was that the temperature of the extract of coffee was 90℃, extract time 12 min, the ratio of coffee to water was 1:15, the coffee concentration was 65%, the freeze-dried temperature is not more than-36℃.The coffee tablet obtained under the optimal process had better than the instant coffee better flavor, tablet character complete, appropriate hardness, good water-based rehabilitation and organoleptic quality.