摘要: 介绍了从黄刺玫叶片中提取和分析黄酮类物质的方法。试验结果表明 ,该叶片中总黄酮含量为4 88mg g,其中主要成分是芦丁。本方法操作简便 ,重现性好 ,平均回收率为 97 8% ,相对标准差为 5 1 6%。Abstract: This paper reports a precess to extract and analyse flavones from Rosa xanthina Linal leaves.The analysing result showed that the content of total flavones, the main composition is rutin in which, in Rose xanthina Lindle leaves is 4.88mg/g.Result indicated that this method is simple and reproducible, the average recovery is 97 8% and RSD is 5.16%.\;