Inhibition of dietary non-enzymatic glycosylation by bamboo-leaf-flavonoids and glutathione
The inhibition effect of bamboo- leaf- flavonoids and glutathione against dietary non- enzymatic glycosylation was evaluated by the following tests. Fructosamine was tested by NBT reduction reaction. The dicarbonyl compound was detected by Girard- T reagent. The micromolecule aldehydes and advanced glycosylation end products ( AGEs) with fluorescent value were detected by UV- A295 and fluorescence absorption, respectively. The content of 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (5-HMF) was determined by a HPLC method. Results showed that bamboo-leaf-flavonoids effectively inhibited Fructosamine, dicarbonyl compounds and AGEs with fluorescent value. While glutathione inhibited dicarbonyl compounds, micromolecule aldehydes and 5-HMF.