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唐艺婧,来欢欢,赵微,等. 红心曲来源Thermoascus aurantiacus QH-1的生长代谢特征[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(22):117−124. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023010052.
引用本文: 唐艺婧,来欢欢,赵微,等. 红心曲来源Thermoascus aurantiacus QH-1的生长代谢特征[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(22):117−124. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023010052.
TANG Yijing, LAI Huanhuan, ZHAO Wei, et al. Characteristics of Growth and Metabolism of Thermoascus aurantiacus QH-1 Derived Hongxinqu[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(22): 117−124. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023010052.
Citation: TANG Yijing, LAI Huanhuan, ZHAO Wei, et al. Characteristics of Growth and Metabolism of Thermoascus aurantiacus QH-1 Derived Hongxinqu[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(22): 117−124. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023010052.

红心曲来源Thermoascus aurantiacus QH-1的生长代谢特征

Characteristics of Growth and Metabolism of Thermoascus aurantiacus QH-1 Derived Hongxinqu

  • 摘要: 为探究黄嗜热子囊菌的生长代谢特征,对红心曲来源的黄嗜热子囊菌QH-1的最适生长条件、乙醇耐受性、生长曲线及糖化酶液化酶等进行了分析。结果显示,黄嗜热子囊菌QH-1在PDA,MEA和SDA丰富培养基中生长迅速且有色素,在合成培养基察氏及G25N培养基上生长的菌落生长较慢几乎没有色素;黄嗜热子囊菌QH-1的最适生长条件为:温度45 ℃,pH4.0,接种量3%,装液量160 mL;该菌株最低和最高生长温度分别为26和60 ℃;制曲酿酒原料中,高粱米为其生长最佳原料,6%的乙醇不会影响其生长;在大麦豌豆固态培养基中前期生长缓慢,糖化酶活性较低,6~8 d生长速度加快,糖化酶活性增加,生长曲线与糖化酶曲线较为相似,第10 d检出液化酶。研究结果为该菌株进一步开发利用提供必要信息。


    Abstract: To explore the growth metabolic characteristics of Thermoascus aurantiacus, the optimal growth conditions, ethanol tolerance, growth curve, saccharifying power and liquefaction power of Thermoascus aurantiacus QH-1 were analyzed. The results showed that Thermoascus aurantiacus QH-1 grew rapidly and had pigment in PDA, MEA and SDA mediums with rich in nutrients, and colonies growing on synthetic medium and G25N medium grew slowly and almost no pigment. The optimal growth conditions of T.aurantiacus QH-1 strain was as follows: Temperature 45 ℃, pH4.0, inoculum concentration 3%, liquied loading volume 160 mL. The lowest and highest growth temperatures of Th. aurantiacus QH-1 were 26 and 60 ℃, respectively. Among the raw materials for brewing Daqu, sorghum rice was the best for its growth, and the concentration of 6% ethanol had no effect on the grwoth of T.aurantiacus QH-1. T.aurantiacus QH-1 grew slowly with lower saccharifying power in the early stage, and the growth rate accelerated with the higher saccharifying power at 6~8 days in solid state medium of barley and pea. The growth curve of T.aurantiacus QH-1 was similar to its change curve of saccharifying power. However, its liquefying power was detected on day 10. The results provided necessary information for the further development and utilization of T.aurantiacus QH-1.


