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  • 食品科学与工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录第一方阵T1
桂青,周立军,郑定华,等. 热风干燥温度对五指毛桃品质影响的研究[J]. 食品工业科技,2021,42(21):249−261. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2021010005.
引用本文: 桂青,周立军,郑定华,等. 热风干燥温度对五指毛桃品质影响的研究[J]. 食品工业科技,2021,42(21):249−261. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2021010005.
GUI Qing, ZHOU Lijun, ZHENG Dinghua, et al. Effects of Hot-Air Drying Temperature on the Quality of Ficus hirta Vahl. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2021010005
Citation: GUI Qing, ZHOU Lijun, ZHENG Dinghua, et al. Effects of Hot-Air Drying Temperature on the Quality of Ficus hirta Vahl. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2021010005


Effects of Hot-Air Drying Temperature on the Quality of Ficus hirta Vahl.

  • 摘要: 为探究热风干燥温度对五指毛桃段、五指毛桃片、五指毛桃须根品质的影响,本研究分别采用高效液相色谱法、紫外可见分光光度法、顶空固相萃取-气相色谱-质谱联用法对40、50、60、70 ℃热风干燥的样品中的补骨脂素、多酚、黄酮、可溶性糖以及挥发性风味物质的含量进行测定,并以晒干样品为对照。研究结果表明,随着干燥温度升高,五指毛桃段中的补骨脂素含量先增加后降低,多酚含量略有增加;五指毛桃片中的补骨脂素和多酚含量受温度影响不明显,五指毛桃须根中的补骨脂素含量也是先增加后降低,而多酚含量则略有增加;五指毛桃段、片、须根中的黄酮含量全都是先增加后降低;与晒干相比,可溶性糖含量均有所降低;风味物质的组成和相对含量发生较大变化。50~60 ℃干燥时活性成分的含量较高,挥发性风味物质的含量及组成与晒干样品比较接近,此时五指毛桃段、五指毛桃片、五指毛桃须根中的补骨脂素、总多酚、总黄酮、可溶性糖含量分别为0.5、0.3、1.29 mg/g;1.6、1.3、3.5 mg/g;1.5、1.0、3.45 mg/g和70~80 mg/g;醛类、吡嗪类和萘类的相对含量分别为12.75%、5.87%和14.66%。因此,在实际生产过程中可采用50~60 ℃热风干燥代替传统的阴干或晒干方式,为五指毛桃热风干制加工提供了一定的数据参考。


    Abstract: In order to explore the effect of hot air drying temperature on the quality of Ficus hirta Vahl. segments, slices, and fibrous roots, high-performance liquid chromatography, ultraviolet visible spectrophotometry and dead space solid phase micro extraction-GC/MS were used in this study to determine the contents of psoralen, polyphenols, flavonoids, soluble sugars and volatile flavor compounds in samples dried respectively at 40, 50, 60 and 70 ℃, and the sun-dried sample was used as control. The results showed that as the drying temperature rises, the contents of psoralen in Ficus hirta Vahl. Segments and fibrous roots increased at first and then decreased, polyphenols slightly increased, but their contents were not affected by temperature in slices. The contents of flavonoids in the segments, slices and fibrous roots of Ficus hirta Vahl. were all increased first and then decreased, and the contents of soluble sugar were all decreased slightly compared with sun-dried sample. The compositions and relative contents of flavoring substances changed greatly. When samples dried at 50~60 ℃, the contents of psoralen in Ficus hirta Vahl. segments, slices, and fibrous roots were 0.5, 0.3 and 1.29 mg/g, respectively, and the contents of total polyphenols were 1.6, 1.3, 3.5 mg/g, respectively, and the contents of total flavones were 1.5, 1.0, 3.45 mg/g, respectively, and the content of soluble sugar was 70~80 mg/g, and the relative contents of aldehydes, pyrazine and naphthalene were 12.75%, 5.87% and 14.66%, respectively. Therefore, in the actual production process, hot air drying at 50~60 ℃ can be used instead of drying in the shade or sun-dried. This research provides a data reference for the hot-air drying processing of Ficus hirta Vahl.


