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  • 食品科学与工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录第一方阵T1
杨庆余,王妍文,李响,等. 基于食品3D打印技术的食品原料研究及应用[J]. 食品工业科技,2021,42(8):1−7. doi: 10.13386/ j.issn1002-0306.2020080264.
引用本文: 杨庆余,王妍文,李响,等. 基于食品3D打印技术的食品原料研究及应用[J]. 食品工业科技,2021,42(8):1−7. doi: 10.13386/ j.issn1002-0306.2020080264.
YANG Qingyu, WANG Yanwen, LI Xiang, et al. Research and Application of Food Raw Materials Based on Food 3D Printing Technology[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2021, 42(8): 1−7. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn 1002-0306.2020080264.
Citation: YANG Qingyu, WANG Yanwen, LI Xiang, et al. Research and Application of Food Raw Materials Based on Food 3D Printing Technology[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2021, 42(8): 1−7. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn 1002-0306.2020080264.


Research and Application of Food Raw Materials Based on Food 3D Printing Technology

  • 摘要: 3D打印技术作为一项新兴的智能食品加工技术,已经被广泛应用在食品、材料、航天、汽车、建筑模型等多个领域。食品3D打印技术又被称为一项“增材制造”技术,具备方便、灵活、高精度等优点,可以实现食品外观、颜色、质地、味道和配方的个性化定制。本文从食品3D打印原理、3D食品材料和应用等方面进行综述,以期为食品3D打印材料的开发和应用奠定基础。


    Abstract: As a new emerging digital food processing technology, 3D printing technology has been widely used in food, materials, aerospace, automobiles, building models and other fields. Food 3D printing technology can also be called an “additive manufacturing” technology, which has the advantages of convenience, flexibility and high precision. It can realize the personalized customization of food, such as appearance, color, texture, taste and formula. This paper reviewed the principles of Food 3D printing, 3D food materials and applications, and hopes to lay a foundatsn for the development and application of food 3D printing materials.


