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吕静祎,徐冬乐,丁思杨,等. 壳聚糖-山竹果皮提取液复合涂膜对蓝莓的保鲜效果[J]. 食品工业科技,2021,42(8):295−300. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2020080159.
引用本文: 吕静祎,徐冬乐,丁思杨,等. 壳聚糖-山竹果皮提取液复合涂膜对蓝莓的保鲜效果[J]. 食品工业科技,2021,42(8):295−300. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2020080159.
LV Jingyi, XU Dongle, DING Siyang, et al. Effect of Chitosan-Mangosteen Peel Composite Coating on Blueberry Preservation[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2021, 42(8): 295−300. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306. 2020080159.
Citation: LV Jingyi, XU Dongle, DING Siyang, et al. Effect of Chitosan-Mangosteen Peel Composite Coating on Blueberry Preservation[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2021, 42(8): 295−300. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306. 2020080159.


Effect of Chitosan-Mangosteen Peel Composite Coating on Blueberry Preservation

  • 摘要: 以‘北陆’蓝莓为试材,研究0.5%的壳聚糖(chitosan,CTS)结合1%山竹果皮提取液(mangosteen peel extracts,MPE)处理对其在低温(4±0.2)℃贮藏期间保鲜效果的影响。结果表明,CTS处理和CTS与MPE复合处理均能够减缓蓝莓果实贮藏期间硬度、可溶性固形物(TSS)含量以及含水量的下降,使果实呼吸高峰的出现时间推迟了7 d,减缓维生素C(VC)含量及总酚含量的下降,同时延缓丙二醛(MDA)含量的上升。在贮藏后期(第49 d),CTS和MPE复合处理仍使果实维持较高的DPPH·和ABTS +·清除率,分别比对照高8.9%和20.3%,使其保持了较好的抗氧化能力。其中,CTS与MPE复合处理的效果最好。结论:CTS与MPE复合涂膜处理能有效地保持蓝莓果实的贮藏品质及抗氧化活性,延缓其成熟衰老的进程。


    Abstract: The ‘Northland’ blueberry fruits were treated with 0.5% chitosan (chitosan, CTS) or 0.5% chitosan (chitosan, CTS) composite 1% mangosteen peel extracts (mangosteen peel extracts, MPE) and then stored at low temperature (4±0.2) ℃. The physiological indexes related to storage quality and antioxidant capacity of blueberry fruit during storage were determined. The results indicated that compared with the control, CTS treatment and CTS combined with MPE treatment could slow down the decrease of firmness, soluble solids (TSS) content and water content of blueberry fruits during storage. In CTS-treated and CTS combined with MPE-treated fruits, the appearance of respiratory peak was delayed by seven days than the control. Both CTS treatment and CTS combined with MPE treatment could slow down the decreasing of vitamin C (VC) contents and total phenol contents, and at the same time, delay the increasing of malondialdehyde (MDA) contents. During the late storage period (49 d), CTS combined with MPE treatment still maintained a higher level of DPPH· and ABTS+· free radical scavenging rate, which were 8.9% and 20.3% higher than the control, respectively, thus maintaining the antioxidant capacity of blueberry fruits. Among these three treatments, CTS combined with MPE treatment was the best. In conclusion, CTS combined with MPE coating treatment could effectively maintain the storage quality and antioxidant activity of blueberry fruits, and thus delayed its ripening and senescence process.


