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于淼, 马明娟, 毋思敏, 苏红旭, 陈霞, 苏晓霞, 郭斐. 六款特种麦芽风味物质和感官特性分析[J]. 食品工业科技, 2020, 41(20): 246-250,265. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2020.20.040
引用本文: 于淼, 马明娟, 毋思敏, 苏红旭, 陈霞, 苏晓霞, 郭斐. 六款特种麦芽风味物质和感官特性分析[J]. 食品工业科技, 2020, 41(20): 246-250,265. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2020.20.040
YU Miao, MA Ming-juan, WU Si-min, SU Hong-xu, CHEN Xia, SU Xiao-xia, GUO Fei. Sensory and Volatile Compounds Analysis of Six Kinds of Specialty Malts[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2020, 41(20): 246-250,265. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2020.20.040
Citation: YU Miao, MA Ming-juan, WU Si-min, SU Hong-xu, CHEN Xia, SU Xiao-xia, GUO Fei. Sensory and Volatile Compounds Analysis of Six Kinds of Specialty Malts[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2020, 41(20): 246-250,265. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2020.20.040


Sensory and Volatile Compounds Analysis of Six Kinds of Specialty Malts

  • 摘要: 采用顶空固相微萃取(HS-SPME)方法,结合气相色谱-嗅闻-质谱联用仪(GC-O-MS),对六款不同色度的特种麦芽(高香麦芽、饼干麦芽、焦香麦芽、结晶麦芽、巧克力麦芽和黑麦芽)进行挥发性风味物质鉴定,从六款特种麦芽中一共鉴定出风味化合物41种,其中醛类20种、吡嗪类7种、醇类4种、酚类1种、杂环化合物类9种。采用Rate That All Apply(RATA)感官评价方法对特种麦芽的感官特性强度进行打分,结果表明,随着特种麦芽颜色的加深,其甜香果香逐渐降低,咖啡味和烟熏味逐渐增加。通过偏最小二乘回归法(PLSR)建立特种麦芽风味物质与感官特性的相关性,结果表明不同种类杂环化合物的协同作用解释了巧克力麦芽和黑麦芽的主体风味,不同种类吡嗪化合物的协同作用解释了饼干麦芽的主体风味,但该模型对高香麦芽、焦香麦芽、结晶麦芽的主体风味解释欠佳,有待下一步探索。


    Abstract: Headspace solid-phase microextraction(HS-SPME)method combined with gas chromatography-sniffing-mass spectrometry(GC-O-MS)were used among six kinds of specialty malt(high-flavour malt,biscuit malt,charcoal malt,crystal malt,chocolate malt and rye malt)to identify volatile compounds. The results showed that a total of 41 compounds were identified from special malts,including 20 aldehydes,7 pyrazines,4 alcohols,1 phenol,and 9 heterocyclic compounds. After that,the sensory evaluation method of rate that all apply(RATA)was used to score the sensory characteristic intensity of special malts. The research found that with the deepening of special malt’s colour,its sweet and fruity aroma gradually decreased,and the coffee and smoky flavour gradually increased. Correlation between special malt flavour and sensory characteristics was established by partial least squares regression(PLSR). The model reflected that the synergistic effects of different types of heterocyclic compounds explained the main flavors of chocolate malt and rye malt,and the synergistic effects of different types of pyrazine compounds explained the main flavors of biscuit malt. However,the interpretation of high flavor malt,charcoal malt,crystal malt in this model was poor,and it need to be explored in the next step.


