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  • 食品科学与工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录第一方阵T1
邢贵鹏, 黄卉, 李来好, 杨贤庆, 陈胜军, 郝淑贤, 岑剑伟, 林婉玲, 林织. 罗非鱼加工副产物脱腥工艺及其腥味物质分析[J]. 食品工业科技, 2019, 40(20): 140-145. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2019.20.023
引用本文: 邢贵鹏, 黄卉, 李来好, 杨贤庆, 陈胜军, 郝淑贤, 岑剑伟, 林婉玲, 林织. 罗非鱼加工副产物脱腥工艺及其腥味物质分析[J]. 食品工业科技, 2019, 40(20): 140-145. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2019.20.023
XING Gui-peng, HUANG Hui, LI Lai-hao, YANG Xian-qing, CHEN Sheng-jun, HAO Shu-xian, CEN Jian-wei, LIN Wan-ling, LIN Zhi. Deodorization Process of Tilapia Processing By-products and Its Fishy Odor Component Analysis[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2019, 40(20): 140-145. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2019.20.023
Citation: XING Gui-peng, HUANG Hui, LI Lai-hao, YANG Xian-qing, CHEN Sheng-jun, HAO Shu-xian, CEN Jian-wei, LIN Wan-ling, LIN Zhi. Deodorization Process of Tilapia Processing By-products and Its Fishy Odor Component Analysis[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2019, 40(20): 140-145. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2019.20.023


Deodorization Process of Tilapia Processing By-products and Its Fishy Odor Component Analysis

  • 摘要: 本研究旨在筛选一种简单高效的脱腥剂,用于罗非鱼加工副产物的腥味脱除。分别考察了紫苏液、香芹液以及白醋对罗非鱼加工副产物的脱腥效果,以腥度值为评价指标,通过正交试验确定了最佳复合脱腥工艺条件,并对脱腥前后的腥性物质进行分析比较。结果表明,三种脱腥剂对腥味均有不同程度的脱除效果,且随着浓度的提高以及浸泡时间的延长,脱腥效果有明显的提升。最佳复合脱腥工艺条件为:紫苏液7%、香芹液70%、白醋5%、浸泡时间60 min,料液比1:3,脱腥处理后腥度值仅为0.136,鱼体带有天然的植物香味,且保留了原有的风味。GC-MS结果表明,处理前后主要腥味物质醛类、醇类显著减少,相对含量降幅均达到14%~15%,酮类物质未再检出。


    Abstract: This study aimed to screen a simple and efficient deodorant for the deodorization of tilapia processing by-products. Deodorization effect of Perilla juice,celery juice and white vinegar on tilapia processing by-products were investigated,and the fishiness value was used as evaluation index. The optimum deodorizing condition was optimized by orthogonal experiment,and the fishy odor components before and after deodorization were also analyzed. Results showed that,the three deodorizers had different removal effects on fishy odor,and with the increasing of concentration and the prolongation of soaking time,the deodorization effect was obviously improved. The optimum condition was that,adding 7% Perilla juice,70% celery juice,and 5% white vinegar for soaking 60 min with the material-liquid ratio of 1:3,and the odor score was only 0.136 after deodorization,and the tilapia would have natural plant fragrance,and retain the original flavor. The GC-MS analysis showed that,the key odor compounds(aldehydes,alcohols)decreased significantly after deodorization(P<0.05),and the relative contents decreased by 14%~15%. The ketones were not detected.


