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徐世娟, 卢海啸, 黄华希, 郭艺鹏, 朱昌叁, 陈荣. 云南引种淡白紫锥菊不同器官挥发油成分分析[J]. 食品工业科技, 2019, 40(14): 264-269. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2019.14.043
引用本文: 徐世娟, 卢海啸, 黄华希, 郭艺鹏, 朱昌叁, 陈荣. 云南引种淡白紫锥菊不同器官挥发油成分分析[J]. 食品工业科技, 2019, 40(14): 264-269. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2019.14.043
XU Shi-juan, LU Hai-xiao, HUANG Hua-xi, GUO Yi-peng, ZHU Chang-san, CHEN Rong. Analysis of Volatile Oil Components in Different Organs of Echinacea pallida Nutt Introduced in Yunnan[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2019, 40(14): 264-269. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2019.14.043
Citation: XU Shi-juan, LU Hai-xiao, HUANG Hua-xi, GUO Yi-peng, ZHU Chang-san, CHEN Rong. Analysis of Volatile Oil Components in Different Organs of Echinacea pallida Nutt Introduced in Yunnan[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2019, 40(14): 264-269. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2019.14.043


Analysis of Volatile Oil Components in Different Organs of Echinacea pallida Nutt Introduced in Yunnan

  • 摘要: 实验采用气质联用(GC-MS)技术结合顶空固相微萃取(HS-SPME)对云南省蒙自市引种栽培的淡白紫锥菊各器官中挥发性成分进行分析鉴定。从淡白紫锥菊不同器官中共鉴定出53种挥发性成分,根、茎、叶、头状花序、花序梗各器官鉴定出的成分相对含量分别占其总挥发性成分的84.269%、93.539%、93.289%、93.828%和83.860%,总体以萜烯类、醇类、酮类、醛类为主;各器官中萜烯类成分的相对含量最高,数值分别为根中51.962%、茎中69.561%、叶中66.113%、头状花序中69.728%和花序梗中58.152%;各器官萜烯类成分的组成不同,根中的萜烯类成分以16碳二烯酸(8.666%)为最高,其次是α-紫穗槐烯(8.407%);茎中的萜烯类成分以γ-杜松烯(10.440%)为最高,其次是α-律草烯(8.020%);叶中的萜烯类成分以α-紫穗槐烯(17.609%)为最高,其次为α-律草烯(5.638%);头状花序中的萜烯类成分以α-紫穗槐烯(7.704%)为最高,其次为石竹素(7.238%);而花序梗中萜烯类成分以石竹素(10.152%)为最高,其次是α-紫穗槐烯(7.255%)。该研究结果为引种栽培淡白紫锥菊的药材品质评价、产品开发及基地选址提供了参考。


    Abstract: The volatile components in the different organs of Echinacea pallida, introduced in Mengzi City, Yunnan Province, were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) combined with headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME).The composition of volatile compounds in different organs of Echinacea pallida was different, 53 compounds were identified in total. The identified components in roots, stems, leaves, capitulum and peduncles accounted for 84.269%, 93.539%, 93.289%, 93.828% and 83.860% of their total volatile components, the main components were terpenes, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes. The relative contents of terpenes in each organ were the highest, in roots, stems, leaves, capitulum and peduncles accounted for 51.962%, 69.561%, 66.113%, 69.728% and 58.152%. The composition of terpenes in different organs was different, the highest terpenes in roots was 16-carbondienoic acid (8.666%), followed by α-amorpha (8.407%). In stems, it was γ-cadinene (10.440%), followed by α-humulene (8.020%). In leaves, it was α-amorpha (17.609%), followed by α-humulene (5.638%). In capitulums, it was α-amorpha (7.704%), followed by caryophyllin (7.238%). In peduncles, it was caryophyllin (10.152%), followed by α-amorpha (7.255%). The research results provided a reference for the quality evaluation, product development and selection of cultivation bases of Echinacea pallida.


