Application of Multiplex PCR Technology on Detection of Pathogenic Microorganism
摘要: 多重PCR技术特异性强、灵敏度高,被广泛应用于生命科学研究的各个领域。本文阐述了多重PCR技术原理,并就其近年来在人类、动物疾病、农作物病害、食源性致病微生物等方面的研究进行了介绍,提出了该技术目前存在的问题,并对其前景进行了展望,旨在为多重PCR技术更好的应用提供参考。Abstract: Multiplex PCR with high specificity and sensitivity has been widely used in all research areas of life science. The principle and the latest research in the testing of human,animal diseases,crops diseases,food-borne pathogenic microorganism for multiplex PCR in recent years were summarized in this paper. The problems and the prospects were also discussed. The paper was tried to provide references for better application of multiplex PCR.