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张维伟, 赵忠, 张文辉, 薛文艳. 辽东栎橡碗单宁提取及其抗氧化活性[J]. 食品工业科技, 2018, 39(23): 215-221,240. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2018.23.038
引用本文: 张维伟, 赵忠, 张文辉, 薛文艳. 辽东栎橡碗单宁提取及其抗氧化活性[J]. 食品工业科技, 2018, 39(23): 215-221,240. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2018.23.038
ZHANG Wei-wei, ZHAO Zhong, ZHANG Wen-hui, XUE Wen-yan. Extraction Process and Antioxidant Activity of Tannins of Quercus Liaotungensis Valonia[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2018, 39(23): 215-221,240. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2018.23.038
Citation: ZHANG Wei-wei, ZHAO Zhong, ZHANG Wen-hui, XUE Wen-yan. Extraction Process and Antioxidant Activity of Tannins of Quercus Liaotungensis Valonia[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2018, 39(23): 215-221,240. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2018.23.038


Extraction Process and Antioxidant Activity of Tannins of Quercus Liaotungensis Valonia

  • 摘要: 以辽东栎橡碗为原料,考察了乙醇体积分数、液料比、提取功率、提取温度对其中单宁提取量的影响,并以此优化了超声辅助乙醇提取工艺;考察了单宁提取物的总抗氧化活性及对1,1-二苯基-2-三硝基苯肼自由基(DPPH·)和羟自由基(·OH)的清除能力。结果表明:辽东栎橡碗单宁的最佳提取工艺为:乙醇体积分数50%,液料比30:1 mL/g,功率200 W,温度50℃,此工艺下单宁理论提取量为70.152 mg/g,通过验证实验,单宁提取量为70.143 mg/g。辽东栎橡碗单宁的总抗氧化活性及自由基清除能力均与其质量浓度呈正相关关系,质量浓度为80 mg/L时,单宁总抗氧化活性较抗坏血酸低25.84%,单宁DPPH·清除能力较抗坏血酸低18.9%,·OH清除能力较抗坏血酸低28.6%。辽东栎橡碗具有一定工业利用价值,可作为新型抗氧化剂。


    Abstract: Based on the valonias of Quercus Liaotungensis from Diantou forest farm,the process of ultrasonic-assisted extraction of tannins was optimized by employing the response surface methodology(RSM),the total antioxidant activity and the ability to scavenge free radical DPPH· and ·OH were examined by comparing to VC. The results showed that the optimal extraction process was obtained when using 50% of ethanol concentration at a liquid-solid ratio of 30:1 mL/g and at temperature extraction of 50℃ with power extraction of 200 W,the amount of tannins obtained under such processes was 70.152 mg/g. Through the verification experiment,the amount of tannin extracted was 70.143 mg/g. The total antioxidant activity and the ability to scavenge free radical of tannins was linearly correlated with their concentration. At a concentration of 80 mg/L,the total antioxidant activity of tannins was 25.84% lower than VC,the DPPH· scavenge rate was 18.9% lower than VC and ·OH was 28.6% lower. Quercus Liaotungensis valonia have certain industrial utilization value and can be used as a new antioxidant.


