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  • 食品科学与工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录第一方阵T1
王绩凯, 屈鹏峰, 邓陶陶, 章荣华, 韩军花. 我国预包装食品标签中营养成分功能声称使用现况调查[J]. 食品工业科技, 2018, 39(21): 306-309. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2018.21.054
引用本文: 王绩凯, 屈鹏峰, 邓陶陶, 章荣华, 韩军花. 我国预包装食品标签中营养成分功能声称使用现况调查[J]. 食品工业科技, 2018, 39(21): 306-309. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2018.21.054
WANG Ji-kai, QU Peng-feng, DENG Tao-tao, ZHANG Rong-hua, HAN Jun-hua. Investigation on the Status of Nutrient Function Claims in Prepackaged Food Labelling in China[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2018, 39(21): 306-309. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2018.21.054
Citation: WANG Ji-kai, QU Peng-feng, DENG Tao-tao, ZHANG Rong-hua, HAN Jun-hua. Investigation on the Status of Nutrient Function Claims in Prepackaged Food Labelling in China[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2018, 39(21): 306-309. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2018.21.054


Investigation on the Status of Nutrient Function Claims in Prepackaged Food Labelling in China

  • 摘要: 目的:了解我国预包装食品标签中营养成分功能声称的标示情况,为修订食品安全国家标准GB 28050《预包装食品营养标签通则》提供科学依据。方法:对市场上流通广、消费量大、覆盖区域多的预包装食品进行抽样,将食品营养标签信息录入Excel表格,对营养成分功能声称使用情况进行分析。结果:本次研究纳入18类共计5348个样本,有10类共计284个样本标示营养成分功能声称,总体标示率为5.31%,标示合格率为100%;其中乳及乳制品类、谷物及其制品类的营养成分功能声称标示率最高,分别为15.12%和15.69%。各类食品营养成分功能声称方面,乳与乳制品类主要对蛋白质、钙和维生素D进行声称,谷物及其制品类主要对膳食纤维进行声称,饮料类主要对水溶性维生素和矿物质进行声称。结论:预包装食品营养成分功能声称标示用语规范、准确,但总体标示率低,不同类别的食品标示率和营养成分功能声称类别不同。建议在标准修订时对营养成分功能声称进行修订,使其更加实用。


    Abstract: Objective:To understand the current status of nutrient function claims of prepackaged food labels in China,and to provide scientific data for revision of national food safety standard General rules for nutrition labeling of prepackaged foods. Methods:Sampling prepackaged food that have a large share in the market,collecting nutrition labeling information of prepackaged foods were recorded. Results:A total of 5348 samples in 18 categories were included in the study,there were 10 categories totaling 284 samples claimed the nutrient function,of which 5.31% using rate of nutrient function claims and the qualified rate was 100%. Milk and dairy products as well as cereals and cereal products had the higher nutrient function claims(15.12% and 15.69%respectively). Of all the labeled nutrients function claims,milk and dairy products claimed the functions of protein,calcium and vitamin D. Cereals and cereal products mainly claimed the function of dietary fiber. Beverages claimed water-soluble vitamins and minerals for most of the products. Conclusion:The using of nutrient function claimed on prepackaged foods were standardized and accurate,but in a low nutrient function claims rate. The rates of nutrients function claims and the kinds of function claims of nutrients were different in various kinds of food. The suggestion was that the nutrient function claims should be more practical in further standard revision.


