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  • 食品科学与工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录第一方阵T1
孙艳文, 邵京, 马蕊, 何贝贝, 李志成. 丁香精油微胶囊工艺优化及其对冰温猪肉保鲜效果的影响[J]. 食品工业科技, 2018, 39(19): 134-141. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2018.19.024
引用本文: 孙艳文, 邵京, 马蕊, 何贝贝, 李志成. 丁香精油微胶囊工艺优化及其对冰温猪肉保鲜效果的影响[J]. 食品工业科技, 2018, 39(19): 134-141. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2018.19.024
SUN Yan-wen, SHAO Jing, MA Rui, HE Bei-bei, LI Zhi-cheng. Optimization of Preparation Process of Clove Essential Oil Microcapsule and Its Effect on Preservation of Pork under Ice-temperature[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2018, 39(19): 134-141. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2018.19.024
Citation: SUN Yan-wen, SHAO Jing, MA Rui, HE Bei-bei, LI Zhi-cheng. Optimization of Preparation Process of Clove Essential Oil Microcapsule and Its Effect on Preservation of Pork under Ice-temperature[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2018, 39(19): 134-141. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2018.19.024


Optimization of Preparation Process of Clove Essential Oil Microcapsule and Its Effect on Preservation of Pork under Ice-temperature

  • 摘要: 为克服丁香精油在保鲜应用中易挥发、难溶于水的缺点,采用复凝聚法制备丁香精油微胶囊,以包埋率为评价指标,采用Box-Behnken中心组合试验和响应面分析法优化包埋工艺,并将丁香精油微胶囊应用于冰温猪肉的保鲜。结果表明,所得回归模型具有高度显著性(p<0.0001),方程对试验拟合较好,在CaCl2浓度12 g/L,壁芯比7:1 (m/m),复合壁材比(海藻酸钠-壳聚糖)0.8:1 (m/m),包埋时间47 min的条件下,制得的丁香精油微胶囊包埋率最高为84.20%,与预测包埋率相对误差小于5%;用该条件制备的丁香精油微胶囊处理冷却猪肉,冰温下对照组猪肉可保鲜9 d,空芯组可保鲜21 d,精油组可保鲜27 d,表明丁香精油微胶囊可显著延长冰温猪肉的保鲜期(p<0.05)。


    Abstract: In order to overcome the shortcoming of clove essential oil (CEO) about volatile and difficult to dissolve in water in the application of food preservation, microcapsules of CEO were prepared through complex coacervation and the microencapsulation technique was optimized by Box-Behnken center combination test and response surface methodology. Then the CEO microcapsules were applied to the preservation of pork under ice-temperature. Results showed that, the model was of great difference (p<0.0001), and the established regression equation for embedding rate of CEO microcapsules had an excellent goodness of fit. The highest embedding rate of microcapsules could reach 84.20% when the concentration of CaCl2 was 12 g/L, the core-wall ratio was 7:1 (m/m), the ratio of composite wall material (sodium alginate to chitosan) was 0.8:1 (m/m), the embedding time was 47 min.And the relative error was less than 5% compared with the predicted embedding rate. The CEO microcapsules prepared under the optimum conditions were used to keep the chilled pork fresh. The control group, hollow microcapsules group and CEO microcapsules group of pork samples could be preserved for 9, 21 and 27 days respectively under ice-temperature. It showed that CEO microcapsules could prolong the storage period of pork significantly under ice-temperature (p<0.05).


