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孙丽萍, 伊作林, 金晓露, 季超, 张中印. 新疆红花蜜成分分析[J]. 食品工业科技, 2017, (21): 281-285. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.21.055
引用本文: 孙丽萍, 伊作林, 金晓露, 季超, 张中印. 新疆红花蜜成分分析[J]. 食品工业科技, 2017, (21): 281-285. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.21.055
SUN Li-ping, YI Zuo-lin, JIN Xiao-lu, JI Chao, ZHANG Zhong-yin. Chemical analysis on the safflower ( Carthamus tinctorius) honey collected from Xinjiang[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2017, (21): 281-285. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.21.055
Citation: SUN Li-ping, YI Zuo-lin, JIN Xiao-lu, JI Chao, ZHANG Zhong-yin. Chemical analysis on the safflower ( Carthamus tinctorius) honey collected from Xinjiang[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2017, (21): 281-285. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.21.055


Chemical analysis on the safflower ( Carthamus tinctorius) honey collected from Xinjiang

  • 摘要: 本研究对新疆红花蜜的主要成分进行分析。通过分析检测出新疆红花蜜的理化特征、营养成分和活性成分,结果表明新疆红花蜜中的多酚类和黄酮类活性成分含量高,且含有萜类活性成分,萜类成分首次在蜂蜜中检出。新疆红花蜜中的总酚含量均值为65.11 mg没食子酸/100 g蜂蜜,总黄酮含量均值为16.60 mg芦丁/100 g蜂蜜,萜类化合物含量均值为9.36 mg熊果酸/100 g蜂蜜。新疆红花蜜中的淀粉酶均值高达39.08 m L/(g·h),高于国家标准;主要微量元素有9种,呈现高钾(均值79.01 mg/100 g)、低钠(均值2.14 mg/100 g)、高钙(均值2.69 mg/100 g)的特征;维生素以V_C和B族维生素为主;氨基酸有18种,氨基酸总量均值为190 mg/100 g蜂蜜,其中脯氨酸含量高达44 mg/100 g蜂蜜,占氨基酸总量的23%。结论:新疆红花蜜的主要理化质量指标高、营养成分全面、丰富,活性功能成分种类多、含量高,具备优质蜂蜜的主要特点,并有望开发为特色蜂蜜及区域标志性蜂产品。 


    Abstract: In this study, the major constituents of honey collected from the safflower ( Carthamus tinctorius L) in Xinjiang were analyzed. The physiochemical properties, nutritional values and the bioactive components of the safflower honey were investigated.The results showed that safflower honey has abundant polyphenolic constituents as well as bioactive terpenes, which was firstly identified in honey. Average of the total phenolic content of safflower honey was 65.11 mg gallic acid equivalent/100 g, total flavonoid content was 16.60 mg quercetin equivalent/100 g and total terpenoid content was 9.36 mg ursolic acid equivalent/100 g. The value of honey freshness marker, diastase with a value of 39.08 m L/ ( g·h) , which is also significant higher than the national standard required. A wide variety of vitamins and minerals were also detected in our safflower honey samples, with high in Potassium ( 79.01 mg/100 g) and Calcium ( 2.69 mg/100 g) , low in Sodium ( 2.14 mg/100 g) .Vitamins are predominantly VC and B vitamins.Safflower honey has a full range of amino acids ( 190 mg/100 g) , and the appropriate ratio between various amino acids. Proline is accounts for 23% of the total amino acids, with 44 mg/100 g in the honey. Taken together, as rich in comprehensive nutrients, Xinjiang safflower honey has great characters of high quality honey.It is expected, very soon, to become a feature of special honey and to be develop as a product of geographical indication.


