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  • 食品科学与工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录第一方阵T1
孟昭伟, 宋云. 不同优株花椒甲醇提取物麻味素、总多酚、总黄酮含量测定及抗氧化能力研究[J]. 食品工业科技, 2017, (10): 114-118. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.10.014
引用本文: 孟昭伟, 宋云. 不同优株花椒甲醇提取物麻味素、总多酚、总黄酮含量测定及抗氧化能力研究[J]. 食品工业科技, 2017, (10): 114-118. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.10.014
MENG Zhao-wei, SONG Yun. Determination of hemp flavoring, total polyphenols and total flavonoids extracted by methanol and antioxidant capacity of different Zanthoxylum bungeanum pericarp[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2017, (10): 114-118. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.10.014
Citation: MENG Zhao-wei, SONG Yun. Determination of hemp flavoring, total polyphenols and total flavonoids extracted by methanol and antioxidant capacity of different Zanthoxylum bungeanum pericarp[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2017, (10): 114-118. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.10.014


Determination of hemp flavoring, total polyphenols and total flavonoids extracted by methanol and antioxidant capacity of different Zanthoxylum bungeanum pericarp

  • 摘要: 为了从17种不同品种的花椒中筛选出最佳的优良品种,本研究以17种不同丰产优株花椒果皮为原材料,测定了花椒中麻味素、总多酚和总黄酮含量及抗氧化能力,并进行相关性分析。结果表明在17种不同花椒优株椒皮中,花椒果皮中总多酚、总黄酮和麻味素含量最高的样品分别是来自绳池的M37、M1和来自陕县的S1,而M31样品中总黄酮和总多酚含量最低,M4样品中麻味素含量最低。不同花椒果皮提取物均具有很好的还原能力和DPPH自由基清除力,且总多酚和总黄酮均与还原能力和DPPH自由基清除力之间呈现良好的相关性。研究表明,从大田中优选出的17株花椒丰产优株中,花椒果皮的主要活性成分具有显著差异,来自渑池的M37、M1和来自陕县的S1、来自灵宝的L1等丰产优株树可以作为不同花椒良种进行培植。 


    Abstract: In order to screen out the best variety from 17 kind of different Zanthoxylun bungeanum pericarp, the contents of total polyphenols, total flavonoids, hemp flavor substance and the antioxidant ability of the extracts of 17 different varieties of high yield Zanthoxylum bungeanum pericarp were studied in this paper, and the correlation analysis was also conducted. The results showed that the content of total polyphenols, total flavonoids and hemp flavor substances were the highest in the sample of M37, M1 originated from Mianchi and S1 obtained from Shanxian, respectively.And the sample of M31 had the lowest content of total polyphenols and total flavonoids. The lowest content of hemp flavoring was sample of M4. The extracts of different Zanthoxylum bungeanum pericarp presented favorable reducing power and DPPH scavenging ability.And the total polyphenols and total flavonoids showed highly correlation with the reducing power and DPPH scavening capacity.The study showed that the main active ingredients of different Zanthoxylun bugeanum pericaip present significant difference, and the M37, M1, L1 and S1 originated from Mianchi, Mianchi, Lingbao, Shanxian, respectively, could be used to further cultivate.


