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刘晶晶, 沈桂奇, 郭芝琳, 郭栋, 滕文静, 孙在宝. 开菲尔酸豆乳冰淇淋的研制[J]. 食品工业科技, 2016, (01): 237-241. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2016.01.039
引用本文: 刘晶晶, 沈桂奇, 郭芝琳, 郭栋, 滕文静, 孙在宝. 开菲尔酸豆乳冰淇淋的研制[J]. 食品工业科技, 2016, (01): 237-241. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2016.01.039
LIU Jing- jing, SHEN Gui- qi, GUO Zhi- lin, GUO Dong, TENG Wen- jing, SUN Zai- bao. Preparation of yogurt soybean milk ice cream fermented by kefir[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2016, (01): 237-241. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2016.01.039
Citation: LIU Jing- jing, SHEN Gui- qi, GUO Zhi- lin, GUO Dong, TENG Wen- jing, SUN Zai- bao. Preparation of yogurt soybean milk ice cream fermented by kefir[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2016, (01): 237-241. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2016.01.039


Preparation of yogurt soybean milk ice cream fermented by kefir

  • 摘要: 以豆乳代替部分牛乳并用开菲尔进行发酵,研制出开菲尔酸豆乳冰淇淋。选择煮浆时间、豆粉奶粉比例、白砂糖添加量、复合乳化稳定剂添加量、老化时间和凝冻档位作为单因素进行梯度实验,对发酵时间、接种量和发酵温度进行三因素三水平L9(33)正交实验,确定开菲尔酸豆乳冰淇淋的最佳工艺为:取浸泡好的大豆,与水按照1∶11的比例进行磨浆,过滤,沸腾后煮浆5 min,制得豆乳;以豆浆重量为基准,加入8%豆粉、5%奶粉、16%白砂糖和0.65%复合乳化稳定剂,倒入制浆机中搅拌并杀菌,待均质后的料液冷却到38℃加入料液总质量0.2%的开菲尔发酵剂,38℃发酵8 h,得到发酵乳;将发酵乳置于4℃老化缸中老化4 h,然后将料液倒入冰淇淋机器设置成三档(凝冻温度-7℃),制得开菲尔酸豆乳冰淇淋。 


    Abstract: To replace part of the milk with soybean milk fermented by kefir,yogurt soybean milk ice cream was developed.Selecting the cooking time of the soybean milk,the proportion of soybean powder and milk powder,the amount of sugar,the amount of the composite emulsion stabilizer,aging time and freezing stalls as a single factor to make gradient experiments,using the L9( 33) to determine fermentation time,inoculum and fermentation temperature,the optimum process parameters of the ice cream were determined. Taking soaked soybeans,according to the ratio of 1 ∶ 11 with water,then grinded,filtered,boiled for 5 min at 100 ℃,added 8% soybean powder,5% milk powder,16% sugar and 0.65% compound emulsion stabilizer by the weight of soybean milk,and after homogenization,added 0.2% kefir fermentation agent by the weight of homogenized material at 38 ℃,fermented for 8 h at 38 ℃,aged for 4 h at 4 ℃ and then the material was poured into ice cream machine with the third freezing stalls,yogurt soybean milk ice cream fermented by kefir was prepared.


