Breeding of Monascus with high-yield yellow pigment by 24 well-plate assay combining with mutation
摘要: 以红曲霉F9-2为出发菌株,24孔板培养法结合紫外线-氯化锂复合诱变处理选育高产红曲黄色素菌株。实验结果表明:在紫外照射130 s、氯化锂添加浓度为0.1%的复合诱变条件下得到的菌株Y16,经液态发酵后产黄色素高达488 U/m L,与出发菌相比,黄色素色价提高了37.1%。经10次传代培养,色价稳定,可作为生产红曲黄色素的优良菌株。Abstract: Monascus F9-2 was used as the original strain;then the high-yield yellow pigment of Monascus Y16 strain was obtained by UV(130 s) and Li Cl(0.1%) complex mutation combining with the 24 well-plate assay.The results showed that the yellow pigment value of Monascus Y16 could reach 488 U/m L and the value was37.1% higher than the starting strain. The stable genotype was verified through ten times of transferring of culture and was hence a fine strain for producing high-yield yellow pigment.