Identification of volatile compounds in potato and its distilled liquors
摘要: 以"新大坪"马铃薯为试材,采用液化—糖化—发酵—蒸馏工艺制备马铃薯蒸馏酒,利用顶空固相微萃取法(HS-SPME)提取马铃薯及马铃薯蒸馏酒中的香气成分、气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)检测、结合计算机检索对其中香气成分进行分离鉴定,并应用色谱峰面积归一法计算各成分的相对含量。结果表明,醇类和酯类是马铃薯蒸馏酒挥发性物质的主要成分,醇类相对含量为64.39%,酯类为24.27%;而马铃薯的主要香气成分是醇,羰基化合物及其他成分,分别占13.29%、17.53%、17.48%,说明将马铃薯制备成蒸馏酒后产生了更多的酯类和醇类,而羰基化合物显著减少。Abstract: The“XIN- Da ping”potato was used to make distilled liquors by liquefying- saccharifying- fermenting-distilling steps.After that,the aromatic components of potato and potato distilled liquors were extracted by solid-phase microextraction( SPME) and identified by gas chromatography- mass spectrometry( GC- MS) and computer retrieval.Their relative contents were determined by peak area normalization methods.The results showed that the major aromatic compounds of potato distilled liquors were alcohols and esters.The relative contents of liquors were64.39% while esters were 24.27%,while the aromatic compounds in potato were alcohols( 13.29%),carbonyl groups( 17.53%) and other groups( 17.48%),respectively. It was indicated that potato distilled liquors produced more amount of alcohols and esters after fermentation.