Research progress in hazards and control of psychrotrophilic Pseudomonas in raw milk
摘要: 假单胞菌是对原料乳危害最大的嗜冷菌之一,极易在冷藏条件下成为优势菌群。大多数嗜冷假单胞菌有分泌蛋白酶和脂肪酶的能力,并导致原料乳及产品变质。本文对原料乳假单胞菌的危害特点,快速检测和新型控制工艺研究进展进行综述。最后探讨了嗜冷假单胞菌的研究方向。Abstract: Pseudomonas, one of the most harmful psychrotroph in raw milk, can easily grow to be dominant microflora in the refrigerated conditions. Most of the psychrotrophilic Pseudomonas secrete the protease and lipase, resulting in milk metamorphism.The article sumerized the advance on the hazard characteristics, rapid detection methods and the new control techonology of Pseudomonas. At last, the research direction of psychrotrophilic Pseudomonas was discussed.