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  • 食品科学与工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录第一方阵T1
张丽, 张玉斌, 韩玲, 余群力, 于春起. 育肥奶公犊肝脏和心脏品质及活性物分析[J]. 食品工业科技, 2014, (23): 347-350. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2014.23.065
引用本文: 张丽, 张玉斌, 韩玲, 余群力, 于春起. 育肥奶公犊肝脏和心脏品质及活性物分析[J]. 食品工业科技, 2014, (23): 347-350. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2014.23.065
ZHANG Li, ZHANG Yu-bin, HAN Ling, YU Qun-li, YU Chun-qi. Analysis of liver and heart quality and active substances from fattening milk male calfs[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2014, (23): 347-350. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2014.23.065
Citation: ZHANG Li, ZHANG Yu-bin, HAN Ling, YU Qun-li, YU Chun-qi. Analysis of liver and heart quality and active substances from fattening milk male calfs[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2014, (23): 347-350. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2014.23.065


Analysis of liver and heart quality and active substances from fattening milk male calfs

  • 摘要: 本实验以育肥奶公犊牛的肝脏和心脏为研究对象,以当地普通黄牛为对照,分析测定了育肥奶公犊和普通黄牛食用品质、营养特性及生物活性物的相应指标。结果表明育肥奶公犊肝脏和心脏色泽正常,p H分别为5.83、5.47,剪切力分别为0.57、2.34kgf,熟肉率分别为83.41%、78.91%,其嫩度适中且有良好的加工性能;测得水分含量为71.30、77.05g/100g,蛋白含量分别为21.80、18.06g/100g,脂肪含量为3.56、3.01g/100g,灰分含量为2.88、2.47g/100g,相比普通黄牛,其蛋白含量高,矿物质丰富;同时测得育肥奶公犊含有较高的生物活性物,其中左旋肉碱含量分别为20.74、10.87mg/kg,牛磺酸含量分别为为6.45、1.66mg/g。综上,育肥奶公犊肝脏和心脏是优质的牛副产物,具有较大的开发利用价值。 


    Abstract: In this paper, the liver and heart from fattening milk male calfs were taken as sample and the meat quality, nutritional quality and active substances corresponding indicators of fattening bull calf and ordinary cow were measure.The results showed that fattening milk male calfs had a dark red color in liver and heart. The p H value were 5.83, 5.47.The shear stress were 0.57, 2.34 kgf.The cooked meat rate were 83.41%, 78.91%, Its tenderness is moderate and have a good processing performance. The water content were 71.30, 77.05 g /100 g, Protein content were 21.80, 18.06 g /100 g, The fat content were 3.56, 3.01 g /100 g.The ash content were 2.88, 2.47 g /100 g. Compared with ordinary cow, its protein content is high and rich in minerals.The fattening bull calf milk contains a certain number of biological active matter. The L- carnitine content were 20.74, 10.87 mg / kg, the taurine content were 6.45, 1.66 mg / g.In conclusion, the liver and heart from fattening milk bull calf are of high quality byproducts and have a high value to develop.


