Photosynthesis oxidases combined chemical oxidation used for delignification in lignocellulose
摘要: 光合氧化酶用于木质素降解,因受固态木质素与酶接触限制降解效率较低。TiO2、H2O2/Fe2+处理构树木质纤维后,再以光合氧化酶或漆酶进行酶促降解,明显提高了木质素的降解效率。结果显示,以纳米TiO2或H2O2/Fe2+联合处理构树木质纤维1.5h后再以光合氧化酶进行木质素降解1.5h,木质素的降解效率较单独以光合氧化酶降解3h分别提高36.0%和28.8%,以纳米TiO2或H2O2/Fe2+联合处理构树木质纤维1.5h后,再以漆酶降解1.5h,木质素的降解效率较单独以漆酶降解3h分别提高92.4%和85.0%。纳米TiO2和H2O2/Fe2+与光合氧化酶或漆酶联合作用,可有效提高木质素的酶促降解效率。Abstract: The degradation of lignin by enzyme had a low degradation efficiency because it suffered restriction by the contact between solid state lignin and enzyme, which could be improved by combining the lightly toxic and tractable oxidant such as TiO 2 and H 2 O 2 /Fe2 +and oxidase into the process of degradation.Brousso xylem pretreatmented by TiO 2 or H 2 O 2 /Fe2 +then were degraded by photosynthesis oxidases or laccase in this paper.The results showed that papyrifera xylem fibre pretreatmented by nanometer- sized TiO 2 or H 2 O 2 /Fe2 +for 1.5h and then by photosynthesis oxidases for 1.5h, the degradation efficiency of lignin increased 36.0% or 28.8% respectively compared to those were degraded by photosynthesis oxidases for 3h alone.Conducted by nanometer- sized TiO 2 for 1.5h and then degraded by laccase for 1.5h, the degradation efficiency of lignin increased 92.4% or 85.0% compared to those were degraded by laccase for 3h.Consequently the degradation efficiency of lignin by photosynthesis oxidases or laccase could be facilitated efficiently by joint action with nanometer- sized TiO 2 or H 2 O 2 /Fe2 +.