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  • 食品科学与工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录第一方阵T1
赵龙, 王秀丽, 王立慧, 马倩, 张裕中. 高纤维豆渣南瓜馒头的研制[J]. 食品工业科技, 2013, (21): 194-198. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2013.21.066
引用本文: 赵龙, 王秀丽, 王立慧, 马倩, 张裕中. 高纤维豆渣南瓜馒头的研制[J]. 食品工业科技, 2013, (21): 194-198. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2013.21.066
ZHAO Long, WANG Xiu-li, WANG Li-hui, MA Qian, ZHANG Yu-zhong. Preparation of the high fiber steamed bread with bean dregs and pumpkin[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2013, (21): 194-198. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2013.21.066
Citation: ZHAO Long, WANG Xiu-li, WANG Li-hui, MA Qian, ZHANG Yu-zhong. Preparation of the high fiber steamed bread with bean dregs and pumpkin[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2013, (21): 194-198. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2013.21.066


Preparation of the high fiber steamed bread with bean dregs and pumpkin

  • 摘要: 高纤维豆渣南瓜馒头以湿法超细粉碎技术为支撑,将粉碎后的鲜湿豆渣和新鲜南瓜添加到面粉中,辅以一定量的水份和干酵母,经发酵蒸煮制成高纤维豆渣南瓜馒头,对馒头进行感官评定和物性分析仪测定,采用单因素实验和正交优化实验,得出各主要成份对馒头品质的影响,其显著性顺序为:豆渣添加量>南瓜添加量>酵母粉添加量。面粉用量为100g时,其最佳用量分别为:豆渣48g,南瓜46g,酵母粉2g,此时生产的豆渣南瓜馒头品质最好。 


    Abstract: The subject focused on a high fiber steamed bread with bean dregs and pumpkin. In this paper, wet superfine grinding technology supported the fresh bean dregs and pumpkin crushed and added to the steamed bread which was made of wheat flour.The high fiber steamed bread with bean dregs and pumpkin, combining with a certain amount of water and yeast powder, at last formed through fermentation and stewing. Then, some organoleptic evaluations and tests by the texture analyzer were taken to the steamed bread.The optimum range of the ingredients through experiment of single factor and orthogonal experiments were selected. At last, the significant order of the main ingredients on the steamed bread quality was summarized as follows: the additive amount of bean dregs > the additive amount of pumpkin > the additive amount of yeast powder.If the wheat flour used in an amount of 100g, the best amount of each component were as follows: bean dregs 48g, pumpkin 46g, yeast powder 2g, With that, the bean dregs and pumpkin steamed bread had the best quality.


