Study on processing technology and sensory evaluation of healthy low-sugared Huaiyuan pomegranate juice
摘要: 以怀远石榴为原料,益寿糖为甜味剂,NaCl为单宁去除剂,柠檬酸为护色剂和酸味剂加工低糖保健型的石榴汁饮料,采用模糊综合评判法对其进行感官评价,并对工艺条件进行优化。结果表明,对石榴汁口感影响最大的是甜味剂的添加量,次之是单宁去除剂的添加量。最佳工艺条件为:甜味剂益寿糖的添加量为15%,单宁去除剂NaCl为0.10%,护色/酸味剂柠檬酸为0.20%。根据模糊综合评判法,此条件下所得石榴汁的感官质量最好。Abstract: Healthy low-sugared juice of Punica granatum was processed using Huaiyuan pomegranate as material, Isomalt as sweetener, NaCl as tannic acid remover, citric acid as colour retention agent and sour agent.The sensory evaluation results of the juice were analyzed by fuzzy mathematics.And then the optimal technology was investigated.The results showed that the dominant influence factor of taste was the amount of sweetener, then the tannic acid remover.The optimum technological conditions were Isomalt 15%, NaCl 0.10%, citric acid 0.20%.By fuzzy mathematics, the sensory evaluation result of the juice was very good.