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  • 食品科学与工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录第一方阵T1
菊糖的生理功能和在食品中应用的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 2012, (20): 351-354. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2012.20.089
引用本文: 菊糖的生理功能和在食品中应用的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 2012, (20): 351-354. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2012.20.089
Research progress in the physiological functions and applications in food of inulin[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2012, (20): 351-354. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2012.20.089
Citation: Research progress in the physiological functions and applications in food of inulin[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2012, (20): 351-354. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2012.20.089


Research progress in the physiological functions and applications in food of inulin

  • 摘要: 菊糖是一种天然碳水化合物,对人体有特殊的生理功能。主要介绍了最近几年新发现的菊糖的一些生理功能,如降低粪臭素、影响下丘脑神经元、保护脏器氧化,以及菊糖过敏症等等。本文还介绍了菊糖在食品中的一些前沿应用,如改善公猪肉质品感官品质、抗氧化性、刺激微生物生长、与食品中其他物质相互作用等等。菊糖作为一种新的食品配料,广泛的应用于食品工业中。 


    Abstract: Inulin is a product of natural carbohydrate.It has special physiological functions for the human body.Some newly-discovered physiological functions of inulins in the recent years were introduced, such as reducing skatole, influencing the hypothalamic neurons, protecting organs form oxidating, and inulin allergy.Meanwhile the lastest applications in food industry, such as improving the sensory quality of boar products, antioxidant activity, stimulating the growth of microorganisms and the interaction with other food substances were also introduced.As a new food ingredient, inulin has been widely used in the food industry.


